How MPS ‘bridges the gap’ with high touch education by means of a solid educational foundation in a safe, nurturing environment

In today’s rapidly evolving technological landscape, the importance of a solid educational foundation has never been more critical. In this article we focus on how at MPS we are ‘bridging the gap’ by means of a solid educational foundation in a safe, nurturing environment in order to provide High Touch Education in a High Tech World.

Getting the Basics Right

At Melkbosstrand Private School (MPS), we embrace the philosophy of “High Touch Education for a High Tech World.” With this approach we ensure that while our students are equipped with the latest technological skills, they, first and foremost, develop the essential basics of education—reading, mathematics, and executive functioning—right from the pre-school and foundation phases.

Understanding the critical role these basics play throughout a child’s educational journey, from early years to matric, is fundamental to our educational philosophy.

The Importance of Early Educational Foundations

“Education at the pre-school and foundation phase is not just about learning the alphabet or counting numbers. It is about setting the stage for lifelong learning,” says Mrs Antoinette Gauche, head of ECD and Foundation phases at MPS.
Research consistently shows that early literacy and numeracy skills are strong predictors of later academic success. However, these basics are often overlooked in the rush to integrate more advanced technological tools and curricula.

In the early years, children develop crucial cognitive skills that enable them to process and understand complex concepts later in life.

These skills include:

  • Reading: Proficiency in reading is the cornerstone of all future learning. It enhances comprehension skills, vocabulary, and the ability to acquire new information – skills which impact every other aspect of future learning, no matter what the subject is.
  • Mathematics: Early maths skills, such as counting, basic arithmetic, and understanding shapes and patterns, form the basis for more advanced mathematical thinking and problem-solving skills.
  • Executive Functioning: These skills include working memory, flexible thinking, and self-control or self-regulation. They are essential for planning, focusing attention, remembering instructions, and managing multiple tasks successfully as well as being able to work as part of a team.
The Knock-On Effect of Neglecting the Basics

Failing to establish strong foundations in these areas can have a cascading effect on a child’s educational trajectory.

In the Intermediate Phase, students who struggle with reading may find it challenging to understand textbooks, follow instructions, or enjoy learning. Similarly, those with weak maths skills may fall behind in subjects that require quantitative reasoning. Poor executive functioning can result in difficulties with organisation, time management, and adapting to new tasks or environments.

As the curriculum becomes more demanding, gaps in basic skills become more apparent. In the Senior Phase (Grades 7-9), subjects like science and history, which require strong reading and comprehension abilities, become increasingly challenging. Maths becomes more abstract, and without a solid foundation, students may struggle with algebra, geometry, and other advanced topics.

By the FET Phase (Grades 10-12), students are expected to be independent learners, capable of critical thinking and complex problem-solving. Those with shaky foundations are often at a significant disadvantage, which can affect their performance in final exams, university readiness, and career opportunities.

How a Nurturing and Safe Environment bolsters the basics

Melkbosstrand Private School is committed to nurturing students across all phases of their education. Each phase has distinct needs, and our high touch education approach adapts to support students in the following areas:

Early Childhood Development (ECD) – Ages 18 Months to 5 Years:
– Cognitive Development: Stimulating curiosity and cognitive growth through play-based learning activities that encourage problem-solving, creativity, and exploration.
– Emotional and Social Growth: Fostering a safe and nurturing environment where children can develop social skills, build self-esteem, and learn to manage emotions.
– Physical Development: Promoting gross and fine motor skills through physical activities, outdoor play, and hands-on learning experiences.
– Language and Communication: Enhancing language acquisition and communication skills through storytelling, songs, and interactive conversations.
– Creative Expression: Encouraging creativity through arts and crafts, music, dance, and imaginative play.

Foundation Phase – Ages 6 to 9 Years:
– Academic Excellence: Providing a strong foundation in literacy, numeracy, and other core subjects through engaging and age-appropriate curricula.
– Critical Thinking and Problem Solving: Developing critical thinking and problem-solving abilities through hands-on activities, collaborative projects, and guided inquiry.
– Emotional and Social Skills: Supporting the development of emotional intelligence, empathy, and positive social interactions in a structured and caring environment.
– Physical Education: Promoting physical health and coordination through regular physical education classes and extracurricular sports activities.

Intermediate Phase (Ages 10-12):
Mentorship in the form of register/homeroom teachers – These teachers do not just fulfil administrative purposes, but build relationships with these pre-adolescent children to the extent that they serve as counsellors for emotional support. Under the IEB Curriculum and inline with the Keller Methodology we regularly opt to deviate from rigid teaching plans in an attempt to integrate socio-emotional strategies that teach empathy, self-regulation, and communication; this in turn helps our students to practise mindfulness and helps manage stress.

Senior Phase (Ages 13-15):
Regular, often informal, monitoring of their mental health enables us to address topics such as anxiety, peer pressure, and self-esteem. The hands-on approach and open communication to parents by the Senior Phase staff helps us to foster a sense of belonging. Furthermore, in the increased academic and social pressures of the Senior Phase we strive to help our students to get to know themselves by focussing on the individual and what makes him/her come alive. Where necessary additional tutoring and support for challenging subjects is offered at no extra cost to members of the MPS community.

FET Phase (Ages 16-18):
At MPS we often refer to this period in the students’ schooling journey as their time as a professional student. This period brings to life a passion and an inquisitiveness that often lead students toward their chosen career and we have found that Career Counselling and Providing guidance on career choices and higher education opportunities is invaluable in this time. Hosting regular meetings to discuss student progress and concerns, as well as offering personalised advice and support regarding tertiary studies strengthens the child’s chances of being successful in their academic endeavours. In the FET phase students have the opportunity to elect numerous initiatives that Focus on leadership skills and emotional intelligence. We also place a more in-depth focus on resilience and the need for relaxation and mental health awareness activities.

Safe Environment
According to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs no child will be able to learn if they do not feel safe. At MPS we view strict safety protocols as our springboard towards a stronger and more cohesive academic atmosphere. We are privileged to be able to ensure all entry points to our school are secure and monitor them regularly. Maintaining a secure campus begins at Noah’s Ark where we have controlled access points and regular monitoring to ensure the safety of all students and staff.

“Ensuring that all school facilities, including playgrounds, classrooms, and common areas, meet safety standards and are regularly inspected and maintained is of paramount importance,” says Antoinette.  Regular Safety Drills are Conducted to prepare students and staff for emergencies.

Throughout our phases, as part of our approach to high touch education, we advocate and have been successful in implementing a culture of Kindness and Respect among students. We achieve this, by dealing with any issues as they appear rather than ignoring possible stressors. With our hands-on approach, involved staff, and as necessary we teach students effective conflict resolution and mediation techniques. We also have Anti-Bullying Policies in place, encouraging a strict anti-bullying mindset and providing programs to educate students about respect, kindness, and the importance of standing up against bullying.

In modern times, physical safety cannot be our only focus and the availability of technology to students who often aren’t resilient enough for this exposure, compels us to address concerns regarding Digital Safety Education. Educating students on safe online practices and teaching responsible and ethical use of technology, ensures students understand the implications of their digital actions.
By integrating these comprehensive safety measures, Melkbosstrand Private School creates a secure and supportive environment for all students, empowering them to focus on their academic and personal growth.

Keller Methodology
In the Early Childhood Development (ECD) phase teachers apply the Keller Methodology, by providing individualised attention, recognising and celebrating each child’s unique achievements to build self-esteem as well as through ‘emotional literacy’ by integrating activities that promote the expression and understanding of emotions, helping children articulate their feelings and develop emotional intelligence.
In the Foundation Phase the Kellery Methodology is focused on encouraging learners to become Active Readers – reading for at least 20 minutes a day and then getting active – playing, running, jumping, surfing, exploring, etc.

In the Intermediate Phase of the Keller methodology, the focus is on self-paced learning, allowing students to progress at their own speed. Mastery learning is a key component, ensuring students achieve complete understanding of a topic before moving on to the next. Immediate feedback is also emphasised, providing students with quick responses to reinforce their learning and help them correct mistakes promptly.
During the Senior Phase, students engage with more advanced self-paced modules, tackling complex subjects at their own pace. Project-based learning becomes a significant aspect, requiring students to apply their knowledge to comprehensive projects that demonstrate their mastery of various topics. Continuous assessment is implemented, offering frequent evaluations to provide ongoing feedback and support student progress.
In the FET Phase, the methodology introduces college-level courses to prepare students for higher education. Under the IEB, research projects are a central element, engaging students in in-depth research that demands a deep understanding and application of their knowledge. Collaborative learning is encouraged, promoting group work that leverages individual expertise for collective success, fostering a sense of teamwork and shared responsibility.

“At Melkbosstrand Private School, we strive to provide a supportive, safe, and enriching environment for all students, from the intermediate to the FET phase,” says Mr Allan Norton, head of Intermediate, Senior and FET phases at MPS.
“By focusing on emotional well-being, ensuring a safe environment, offering personal attention, implementing the Keller methodology, and upholding Christian values, we prepare our students to thrive in a high-tech world while maintaining their moral compass and achieving academic excellence.” he added.

In Conclusion

At MPS, we believe that the integration of technology should not come at the expense of foundational skills. Instead, we are committed to providing high touch education that builds strong educational foundations while embracing technological advancements. We aim to set our students on a path to success, ensuring they are well-prepared for the challenges and opportunities of the future—preparing them for their future as MPS #ChangeMakers in both the world and their community.
“Together, we can bridge the gap between traditional educational values and the demands of the modern world, creating a generation of well-rounded, capable, and confident young people,” says Mr Oloff Dreyer, CEO of MPS.
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Open for Enrolments All Year Round

At MPS, we understand that the decision to change or start a new school can come at any time. That’s why we are open for enrolments all year round. Whether you’re looking for a new school at the start of the academic year or seeking a mid-year transfer, MPS welcomes new students throughout the year. This flexibility ensures that your child can begin benefiting from our unique educational approach as soon as you’re ready. Enrol your child at MPS today and watch them thrive in an environment where the best of both worlds come together. Remember, MPS is open for enrolments all year round – contact our Admissions team today!