A rock solid foundation makes for a strong school

A rock solid foundation makes for a strong school

A rock solid foundation makes for a strong school – what is the foundation MPS is built on? What makes us strong and makes us more than just another school? MPS was founded on Christian principles, hence our motto being PS 23 – “The Lord is my...
What does it mean to be an MPS #Changemaker?

What does it mean to be an MPS #Changemaker?

What does it mean to be an MPS #Changemaker? Or rather, what MAKES an MPS #Changemaker?  It’s a question we’ve been asked more than a couple of times, and our #Changemaker story is one we love to share.  So, here goes… Once upon a time there stood a...
Looking ahead to 2023 at MPS

Looking ahead to 2023 at MPS

Melkbosstrand Private School #Changemakers look forward to heading boldly into 2023, and as a school, we are looking forward to doing more of what we do best – high touch education based on Christian principles in the best school environment any learner could wish...