The 2022 matric results ‘hit the streets’ recently and once again Melkbosstrand Private School #Changemakers made us proud with a 100% Matric Pass Rate for the 12th consecutive year!  Another feather in our MPS cap is the fact that we are, for the 5th year in a row, the only school in the Metro North Education District (MNED) to have achieved this.  The 2022 matric results, which include an impressive 87% Bachelors pass and 44 distinctions, have demonstrated, yet again, that at MPS we are consistently on the right track.  

At Melkbosstrand Private School we strive for academic excellence and as a result in 2021 we were listed as one of the Top Performing schools in the Western Cape and one of the Top 5 Best Private Schools in the province.

Further accolades were added to the MPS list recently when the Solidariteit Skoleondersteuningsentrum (SOS) annual report on the National Matric results for 2022 was released. In the category for the national Top 5 Afrikaans small schools, MPS was placed second overall – a fantastic achievement! MPS was also listed as the 5th ranking Afrikaans small school nationally with the most distinctions per number of candidates and schools with the most distinctions. (See images below)

When it comes to having a 100% Matric Pass rate for 12 consecutive years and the achievements and accolades, you might be wondering how we do it? Let us explain a little more…

MPS’ long standing, solid reputation for a high standard and Academic Excellence is built on a foundation comprising several elements.

Firstly, we have our #ChangeMaker approach to educating in which we embrace Innovative Learning Methodologies in order to provide quality, “High Touch Education” in our very High Tech world of today. These innovative learning methodologies include active learning, project-based learning and providing essential feedback which all encourage the development of higher-order thinking and problem-solving skills.  We also incorporate and apply the innovative Keller learning methodologies which foster “Active Reading, Critical Thinking and Creative Citizens”.  These methodologies are implemented throughout the phases at MPS, creating a thread of consistency which runs from the littlest #ChangeMakers at Noah’s Ark right through the Primary School and throughout High School to our learner’s final year in matric – it is this thread which ties it all together that creates a seamless transition from phases to phase along the learner’s journey at MPS.

Secondly, we have our curriculum. At MPS we are phasing out the CAPS curriculum, which in our opinion is no longer in the best interest of our learners and are excited to be phasing in the superior IEB curriculum which will see our first group of matric learners writing IEB exams in 2024. Future MPS #Changesmakers will enjoy the benefits of the IEB national senior certificate (NSC) which is an internationally benchmarked qualification and is quality assured by Umalusi (the council for Quality Assurance in General and Further Education).  MPS was awarded Umalusi accreditation in 2018 and are proud to have consistently met the quality and assurance standards of each of the criteria for accreditation. The IEB curriculum is also underpinned by the progressive and innovative learning methodology of Keller Education.

Thirdly, one crucial element of our success is the MPS team. We have a top class and very talented team made of teachers and staff whose passion and enthusiasm for educating filters down to our learners, inspiring them to become the best they can be. Our teachers, directors and staff are supportive, dedicated and dynamic and focused on giving personal attention to each learner.

Fourthly, our learners and staff are able to maintain the school’s reputation for Academic Excellence, thanks to the incredible school environment they get to enjoy every day. This last element plays such a vital role in making MPS what it is and making us stand out from the rest – classrooms and playgrounds set in an incredibly beautiful, peaceful farm setting, far removed from the stress, hustle and bustle that comes with ‘normal’ school days. We are proudly one of the best private schools in the Western Cape and our small classes afford us the opportunity to give our learners the best when it comes to personal attention.

Last but certainly not least, at MPS we have our Christian ethos and principles which are the foundation of our success. This is embodied in our school’s motto of Ps. 23:1 – “The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want..”

Academic Excellence has always been and will remain a key focus of MPS and we are confident that as a result, we will continue to enjoy our unbroken record of 100% matric pass rate. We know that at MPS we are able to lay a foundation for our students to believe in themselves and their ability to positively affect the world around them.

As we confidently release our matric 2022 #Changemakers into the world, the words of the first line of our Manifesto ring true: “One pen, held by One student, guided by One teacher, can change the world.”