The winds of change have blown gales through our school, country and the world over the past few years, and 2022 was no different – for Melkbosstrand Private School’s #ChangeMakers, it was just the start of exciting new things.

2022 was set to be the year where everything returned to “normal,” or at least a sense of pre-Covid “normal.” For MPS, however, things did not return to just normal – thankfully.

Pre-Covid, MPS was just another school, with learners graduating after their school journey. Post-Covid, MPS has emerged as a school with a difference!

A school where learners are released into the world to make a real difference in their community and the world – they are the #ChangeMakers of the future.

The start of 2022 saw MPS undergo a metamorphosis of sorts – not a total transformation but rather a process in which we took a step back and looked at who we are, what we stand for, what we do best and what makes us stand out from our peers – what makes us different? Four things stood out: –

  • our Christian principles
  • our academic excellence
  • our unique environment
  • our winning combination of small classes and a unique, child-centred approach to education 

Armed with this affirmation, the MPS brand was re-imagined! What emerged at the end of the process was the concept of MPS being about making a real difference and a real change in the world, and the idea of MPS #ChangeMakers was born.

MPS is a place where #ChangeMakers are raised and released through a unique combination of high touch, quality education and innovative learning methodologies, underpinned by Christian values.

If you’d like to learn more about this, read our blog: “RAISING & RELEASING #CHANGEMAKERS” & HOW MPS WAS RE-IMAGINED

Change on the education front
The exciting changes happening at MPS carried through to the education front. As #ChangeMakers, we are about providing High Touch Education in a High Tech World (read more in our blog “High Touch Education in our High Tech World – The MPS Difference”). Our team of educators realised that school ‘gees’ or spirit was at an all time low at the end of 2021 after having endured the stresses of the pandemic, and they entered the new year with grim determination to set this right and bring back the energetic, enthusiastic school spirit the learners all need. Learners were given opportunities to be able to connect more on a social level, and the morale among the learners is high once again!

Pre-Covid saw the CAPS curriculum, a curriculum that has been further depleted by COVID, maintained, while post-Covid saw the introduction and implementation of the IEB curriculum at MPS. The IEB curriculum holds exciting prospects and greater opportunities for all present and future learners at MPS as the IEB matric certificate awarded after successfully completing their studies is internationally recognised.

2022 also saw MPS’ exciting partnership with Keller Education, initiated in Jan 2021,  become further embedded in the school  and the implementation of the Keller Active Reader programme in place of a homework policy – good news for learners and parents alike! The Keller programme ties in well with our new IEB curriculum and vision of providing our learners with high touch education – it’s all about putting the learner first.

2022 Highlights
We could fill pages and pages with all the amazing opportunities for high touch interaction, both in the classroom and on the sports field for all three of our phases, ranging from camps and concerts to inter-school sports days, but we’d rather you take your time to scroll through all the wonderful memories on our MPS Facebook page.

Keep an eye out for:

Noah’s Ark beach picnic – our annual picnic on the beach is aimed at establishing a collaborative bond between teachers, parents and littlies by giving them the perfect opportunity to socialise in the sun on the beautiful beach at Eden on The Bay.

The MPS “Empie” Challenge – As always, the Empie Challenge was one of the highlights of the year and helped to build “school spirit.”

TMT school visit – MPS #ChangeMakers, from NSA through to our senior phase, benefited greatly from this time of spiritual input and were encouraged and uplifted by this week of ministry into the school.

Potjiekos Competition – our annual Potjiekos Competition gave our learners the opportunity to have fun, while working together in a team.

Drama Production – We were fortunate to see our learners on stage again this year. A few of our senior phase learners acted in the Drama Production, “Break a Leg or Two,” produced by Mrs Louw. It was a huge success and gave learners the opportunity to showcase their creative talents.

Derby Sport Day – The launch of the inaugural Annual Derby 2022 Sport Day against CPM – an event which we hope to make an MPS annual tradition!

Birthday celebrations – Our school’s 17th Birthday had the entire school – from Noah’s Ark through to our 2022 matrics – unite together on the rugby field to create the number “17” in celebration!

Two Oceans puppet show – Noah’s Ark learners were treated to a puppet show where they learned about how to keep our beaches and oceans clean and the effects of pollution not only on animals but on the world, as we have a responsibility towards God’s creation..

Eye testing – High Touch education stretches even as far as our learner’s physical health. We implemented eye testing for the Grade R’s this year so as to ensure they are ready to tackle learning and sport to the best of their ability.  Identifying any possible eye problems early is crucial to avoid potential future educational delays.


MPS has grown in leaps and bounds during 2022; we’ve literally grown with our school’s physical ‘footprint,’ more than doubling from 4.3 hectares to 10.3 hectares! We expanded our horizons on the educational front with the introduction of both IEB and Keller, and on the strategic front with our new brand and thinking. With all this exciting change, one thing remains steadfast, that which MPS is founded upon– our Christian faith; we are #ChangeMakers thanks to the greatest change maker of all time – Jesus Christ.

As we take a look back at this past year at MPS, we cannot help but to feel blessed, elated and proud of what we have not only achieved, but what we have also become as a school community.  We are thankful for MPS, for what the school means to our staff, parents and learners, and for what it means to be MPS #ChangeMakers!